
Statement of Responsibility

Borrowing privileges are extended to eligible patrons with the understanding that they will utilize Graham Resource Center (GRC) holdings responsibly. As such, patrons are expected to handle borrowed materials safely, return them on time, understand and follow GRC policies, and respect GRC staff and patrons.

Please note that borrowing privileges may be revoked if in the opinion of GRC staff a patron abuses GRC materials, staff, or the privilege itself. Please note that all outstanding fines and penalties accrued by patrons are recorded not only by the GRC, but also by the Paul V. Galvin Library and ILSCO consortium and thus will impact your eligibility as a borrower at the Galvin Library and ILSCO member institutions.

Additionally, all unpaid fines and fees are recorded by the Illinois Institute of Technology Bursar and will affect your ability to register, send transcripts, and/or get grades if not addressed.

Eligible Patrons

Eligible patrons of the GRC are: the IIT community, including faculty and spouse, students, staff and spouse; IIT College of Architecture alumni, and authorized visiting scholars.

Visitors With Valid ID Cards

Undergraduate students

If an IIT Undergraduate student wishes to borrow GRC materials, the patron must own and proffer a valid IIT identification card. The ID expiration date usually coincides with the end of a registered term for an undergraduate student. During an intersession, an undergraduate student does not have borrowing privileges unless he/she presents proof of registration for the upcoming term -- i.e., an ID card and copy of registration from the Bursar.

Graduate Students

If an IIT graduate student wishes to borrow GRC materials, the patron must own and proffer a valid IIT identification card. Graduate students are eligible library patrons as long as they are enrolled in classes. Graduate students may extend library privileges from the end of spring semester through the end of the summer intersession upon completion of the Summer Privileges form, which requires a department head's signature. The valid form is maintained in the Galvin Library’s Access Services Department.


In order for any IIT faculty library patron to borrow GRC materials, the patron must own and proffer a valid IIT identification card. Faculty ID cards are issued on the calendar date the individual joins the faculty or when the faculty member requests a new card. Faculty are encouraged to use their IIT ID card, especially when visiting other libraries. ID cards are available at the campus OneCard Office.

Alumni and Visiting Scholars

Alumni and visiting scholars wishing to borrow materials from the GRC must present a valid state drivers license or passport and register as a borrower with the Head Librarian. Expiration of registration is assigned on a case by case basis but is usually extended to the end of the current semester only.

Visitors Without Valid ID Cards

If you have no affiliation with IIT or the College of Architecture at IIT, we will not be able to extend borrowing privileges. However, you may utilize GRC resources on site with the permission of the Head Librarian during normal business hours.

Loan Periods for Borrowed Materials


Graduate -2 wks -5 items - 2 renewals
Undergraduate -2 wks -5 items -1 renewal

Faculty -2 wks -10 items -2 renewals

Staff -2 wks -5 items -2 renewals

Reserve Materials

Reserve materials are kept at the Circulation Desk where their use is monitored to ensure maximum availability since these materials are in high demand and are used frequently.

It is important to note that most reserve materials remain physically in the GRC at all times, although at a faculty member may elect to allow Reserve materials to circulate, generally from 2 hours to 7 days, depending on the instructor’s wishes or library policy.

Electronic Reserves are class or instructor materials that have been placed online for access by enrolled IIT students and are made available through the Paul V. Galvin Library.

Non-Circulating Materials

Journals, reference books, microforms, government documents, and items from Special Collections (i.e., Mies van der Rohe Collection, Chicago Architecture Collection, and GRC Reference Collection) do not circulate and are available for use solely inside the GRC. Lending status and shelf location for all GRC materials is indicated in the Voyager and ILLINET Online catalogs.


It is best to renew a book at the Circulation Desk which will allow GRC staff to alert you immediately to the new due date and give you an updated accounting of your borrowing record. If you are unable to visit the Circulation Desk, you may also call (312.567.3256) to renew books at which time circulation staff will communicate the new due date. 

Books from other institutions: Some lending institutions do not notify us immediately that a new due date will be granted. The lending institution may even recall a book. You must contact the Galvin Library Circulation Desk again for new due-date or recall information.

Book Return

Please return borrowed GRC collection materials to the circulation desk during normal GRC operating hours.

If a book you wish to return is not from the collections of the GRC, you should attempt to return it to the Galvin Circulation Desk. If it is not possible for you to return the book to the Galvin Circulation Desk, please see a staff member at the GRC Circulation Desk to make alternate arrangements. If the book belongs to another library and was not lent to you by IIT Circulation Desk staff, you are fully responsible for that book until it reaches the owning library.


E-mail notices are forwarded to patrons to alert them to the fact that a book is either overdue or has been recalled. It is the patron’s responsibility to be aware of due dates and to return or renew all library materials in a timely fashion. If you have already returned for which you receive an overdue or recall message or if you have any questions about your account based on an e-mail sent by GRC staff, please alert the GRC to the discrepancy as soon as possible. If you still have the item in question, please return it immediately.


Fines are levied when materials are returned after the posted due date. It is the patron's responsibility to be aware of each library due date and assessed fines for overdue materials. The levying of fines is intended to encourage the timely return of materials and it should be noted that the late return of library materials prevents other users from accessing GRC materials.

Fines for the late return of standard circulating books accrue at a rate of $.50 a day. Once a book is 3 months overdue, and for every successive 3-month interval, an overdue fine of $25.00 will be levied. Fines levied by the GRC are in all cases directed toward the purchase of replacement books and total fines will never exceed the cost of the replacement copy plus the $25.00 administration fee.

Appealing Fines

If you feel that you have been billed in error, please see a GRC full-time staff member at the Circulation Desk. If the situation is not resolved to your satisfaction, please speak with the Head Librarian to discuss the situation at which point alternative resolution strategies will be discussed.

Damaged or Lost Books

It is in your best interest to notify Circulation Desk staff as soon as possible when you fear you may have lost a book or when first notice damage to a GRC collection piece. In regard to lost items, the library's ability to replace a book can be jeopardized if we are not notified immediately thus potentially costing the patron more.

In the case of damaged books, GRC staff will make every effort to repair minor injuries and generally waive book damage fees if a full recovery is anticipated. In the event that a book is beyond repair, GRC stall will notify you and attempt to replace it. GRC staff will endeavor to replace all lost or damaged-beyond-repair books and charge patrons only the cost of a replacement copy plus a $25.00 administrative fee and any applicable tax or shipping costs.

Billed Items

If you return a book that you previously reported lost that the GRC has since replaced, you will be charged a $25.00 administrative fee and the maximum ($25.00 every 90 days late) in overdue fees based as determined by your charge date.

Loss of Privileges/Privilege Blocking

Privilege blocking of an IIT patron will be posted in the automated library system that is shared by the ILCSO consortium. Privilege blocking occurs if a Reserve item has not been returned; a recalled item has not been returned; a book owned or recalled by another institution has not been returned; overdue fines have exceeded the institution threshold; overdue items have exceeded the institution threshold.

Privilege blocking is lifted when recalled or overdue materials are returned and when all applicable fines and fees are paid.

Adopted by Dean Donna Robertson and the College of Architecture Faculty, December 2004.