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The image shows two book covers: "Mies in His Own Words" on the left with a metallic background, and "Mies van der Rohe" on the right featuring a night view of a city seen through a window with building silhouettes.

March 27, 2025

Mies’ Birthday Celebration of Books

Celebrate Mies’s 139th birthday in historic Crown Hall on his actual birthday! Join us as we honor two important books—Mies van der Rohe: An Architect in His Time by Dietrich Neumann, professor at Brown University, and Mies in His Own Words, Complete Writings, Speeches, and Interviews: 1922–1969 co-edited by Michelangelo Sabatino and Vittorio Pizzigoni.

S. R. Crown Hall, Lower Center Core
3360 S. State Street
Chicago, IL 60616
3–6 p.m.


Ed Hirschland and the Mies Society

Register here for this event.