Historically, the College’s traditional architectural training, with its strong focus on materials, technology, and the craft of assembling a building prepared an individual for the practiceof architecture. Not only must future students have these skills, but they must also engage in the processof architecture, collaborating across multiple disciplines, geographies, and cultures. Immersion in foreign culture and architectural traditions educates our students to become leaders in the ever-changing global arena.
The College of Architecture’s study abroad options range from intensive short-term international workshops and four-week summer trips to Advanced Design Studios that include travel as part of the regular curriculum.
The College’s programs are organized and taught by our own professors or faculty from our partner institutions. Our objective is to provide an opportunity for each architecture student to participate in at least one off-campus experience over the course of their degree program at IIT.
Summer 2020 Travel Programs
Click on a link below to learn more about and/or apply for one of our study abroad/travel programs AND contact the instructor by email to be included in any planning emails and future meetings.
taly: A Grand Tour
Instructor: Colleen Humer
Barcelona Summer Workshop
, Metropolitan Paradigms I and II. Instructor: Maria Villalobos
POLITEIA: The Architecture of Participatory Governance.
Instructor Johnson
Note: This is a
domestic travel program
Design Build Summer 2020: Macedonia.Instructor: Frank Flury
Open to rising ARCH 418 students only!
2020 Fall Hamburg Semester Abroad
Instructor: Martin Klaeschen klaeschen@iit.eduOpen to rising ARCH 417, 419, and 545 students. The Hamburg program will require a minimum number of students to proceed. If you are interested, please commit as early as possible to allow the college to confirm the program.
Applications for Summer 2020 programs are available via the IIT Study Abroad website.
We advise you to apply by February.
Additional Information
To join study abroad programs affiliated with other universities in the United States and abroad, students work with their academic advisor and IIT’s International Center staff for admission and pre-approval of courses. Their website: https://iit.abroadoffice.netincludes a full list of IIT partner institutions. The application process for all of the College of Architecture programs begins with the IIT Study Abroad office.