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Person wearing a green jacket and beanie works on a small architectural model at a table in the Graham Resource Center. Supplies like glue and pens are scattered on the table. Shelves filled with books and a staircase are visible in the background.


The Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism (M.Arch./M.LA+U) dual degree has been shaped in recognition of the fact that in the best circumstances, architecture and landscape work in synthesis to shape our built environment. This dual degree program provides core knowledge in both fields, while also emphasizing their shared territories and concerns, and ultimately preparing students to engage with the full complexity of the contemporary metropolis. By bringing the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism degrees together, we embrace the integrative thinking that will address the challenges and opportunities set before designers of the 21st century.

The required curriculum for the dual degree uses courses from both existing degrees. For detailed program information please visit the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism pages. 

Apply Now

A black and white, top-down architectural illustration depicts a park area with trees and pathways surrounded by buildings. The central feature is a large tree with dense foliage, and nearby are geometric building outlines and pathways.

Ruth Muniz




Year One

An overview of the curriculum of the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism Dual Degree program for students who are admitted with a BA or BS in Architecture.

Fall Spring

Year Two

An overview of the curriculum of the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism Dual Degree program for students who are admitted with a BA or BS in Architecture.

Fall Spring
(3 Credits) Architectural Technology Elective
(3 Credits) Architectural Technology Elective
(3 Credits) Architectural History/Theory/Culture Elective
(3 Credits) Architecture/Landscape Architecture/Design Communication Elective

Year 3

An overview of the curriculum of the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism Dual Degree program for students who are admitted with a BA or BS in Architecture.

Fall Spring
(3 Credits) Architectural Practice Elective
(3 Credits) Landscape Architecture Elective
(3 Credits) Architecture Elective



A wide variety of electives are available for M.Arch./M.LA+U dual degree students, not only in the College of Architecture, but also in the university’s Armour College of Engineering, Institute of Design, and Stuart School of Business. 



Architectural Technology

A overview of the elective courses for the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism dual degree program and the semester in which they are typically offered.

Fall Spring

Architectural History

A overview of the elective courses for the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism dual degree program and the semester in which they are typically offered.

Fall Spring

Architectural Practice

A overview of the elective courses for the Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism dual degree program and the semester in which they are typically offered.

Fall Spring
A group of people walking through a field of tall grass and sunflowers under a cloudy sky. They are heading towards a wooded area, wearing casual outdoor clothes. The landscape includes trees and a distant rocky cliff.


Advising provides students with academic guidance as they fulfill their degree program requirements. All degree seeking graduate students will be assigned a primary academic advisor by the College of Architecture. New graduate students will be required to meet with their primary advisor prior to registering for the following semester. 

For more infor­ma­tion please vis­it Stu­dent Resources.

The GP Graduate (Program) Advising Hold becomes active before the next semester of registration opens for the following:

  • Co-Terminal students in the first semester of graduate co-terminal enrollment
  • Traditional masters students at 9 earned or enrolled credits
  • Doctoral students at 18 earned or enrolled credits

The GP Hold prevents registration before the following semester until lifted by the advisor. The mandatory advising session is required for the student to clear the advising registration hold.

Students will be notified by their primary advisor how to best schedule their required advising appointment. In general, students may begin scheduling their advising appointments two weeks prior to the first day of registration for the following semester.

At this advising appointment, students will receive a Registration PIN (also referred to as an alternate PIN) and the registration block, which is placed on a student’s record by the Graduate College, will be removed. This will be the only required advising appointment for Graduate students. After their first semester, Graduate student Registration PINs will be visible in the Illinois Tech Portal (under IIT Personal ID numbers).

All graduate students registering for research courses numbered 591, 594, 597, and 691 must receive approval from their faculty advisor, in the form of an electronic permit, before registration.

A detailed topographic map showing a landscape with various land sections, some filled with green patches indicating vegetation, intertwined with blue streams and water bodies. Roads and contour lines are visible, providing elevation details.

Syed Anwar, Juliette Block, Flora Fox

Student Work

Dual M ARCH MLAU Image 1

Advanced Studio
Jiwon Park, Divya Sureban

Advanced Studio
Jiwon Park, Divya Sureban

Dual M ARCH MLAU Image 2

Advanced Studio
Montserrat Palomino, Davis Houseman

Advanced Studio
Montserrat Palomino, Davis Houseman

Dual M ARCH MLAU Image 3

Advanced Studio
Maciej Ostrowski, Juliana Cardoza

Advanced Studio
Maciej Ostrowski, Juliana Cardoza

Dual MARCH MLAU Image 4

Advanced Studio
Youssef Alkhamees, Nahid Behroozi

Advanced Studio
Youssef Alkhamees, Nahid Behroozi