“Sakura Orihon: Diary of a Cherry Blossom Journey” returns to the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum at the U.S. National Arboretum. The exhibition runs Feb. 16 – Apr. 7, 2019. Ron Henderson is Professor and Director of the IIT Architecture MLA+U program.
Henderson’s works on view celebrate the cherry blossom culture in Japan, focusing on the horticultural practices that extend the lives of cherry trees, through the illustration of pruning techniques, branch crutches, rope tenting, and root grafting. As he followed the blossoming cherry trees from south to north in Japan, Henderson recorded his experience in folding sketchbooks known as orihon. Exhibited here, these books highlight his pilgrimages to visit a number of the country’s oldest and most famous trees.
The exhibition was designed by Travis Rothe, IIT Architecture Adjunct Professor and Director of Design Communications. The exhibition design was informed by the physicality of Henderson's cherry blossom sketchbooks, collections of journey ephemera, and Japanese visual design.